Raag - Sakh Bhav

This raag is very close to Gaud Malhar and Yaman. The Group सां sounds like Maand and रे,नी़़ रे सा sounds like Yaman.

Details about the raag

Thaat - Bilawal
Jaati - Audav - Sampurna
Vadi Swar -
Samvadi Swar - सा

Time - First half of the night.

Aaroh - सा, , , सां, नी रेँ सां
Avroh - सां नी नी , रे, नी़़ रे सा
pakad - नी , रे, नी़़ रे सा, । ( this indicates that it is a lower octave (मंद्र सप्तक)

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